Please follow the instructions below to activate TorTalk Windows offline

  1. Install TorTalk Windows using
  2. Start TorTalk and activate it with a license key.
  3. A file, “Unvalidated.xml”, is now created in Program Files (or Program or Program Files (x86)).
    Ex. C:\Program Files (x86)\TorTalk\
  4. Please send this file to with the subject “Offline activation”.
  5. Save the file “IKeyA1.xml” that you receive in return in the same folder as “unvalidated.xml”.
  6. Restart TorTalk

Contact information

TorTalk AB
De gamlas väg 11
SE-121 34 ENSKEDEDALEN, Sweden
070 34 53 26

Organisation number: 556939-5469
VAT registration: SE556939546901

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