Get a competitive advantage

Modern organisations must build on the talents of their employees regardless of background. Today, Swedish universities offer text-to-speech to their staff and students, but few companies do.

Text-to-speech should be as apparent a tool for people with dyslexia, ADHD, and those who prefer to listen to the text as it is with reading glasses for those who feel text is getting a bit blurry. Unfortunately, it is not accepted in working life. Only 1 out of 10 in need of support is comfortable bringing it up with their employer, according to a study EY made in 2023. Offering TorTalk to all employees is a competitive advantage in recruitment, and it increases efficiency and reduces stress for approximately every 15 employees.

We can offer:
Reading out all text on PC and Mac, also from the company’s internal system.
License for the entire organisation or per computer and smartphone.
Education, support, and invoicing for organisations.
Highest IT security. Text read-aloud does not leave the user’s computer.
GDPR neutrality. We do not keep any user information.

Chalmers University of Technology

University of Gothenburg

Royal Institute of Technology

Linköping University

Lund University

Uppsala University

University of Gothenburg

National Library of Sweden

Stockholm School of Economics

80% of Universities in Sweden are using TorTalk

For future employees, text-to-speech is as obvious as reading glasses for those who need them.

Of current employees with dyslexia, only one in ten are comfortable bringing it up with the employer, according to a survey published by EY Sweden in 2023. It is a large figure and a significant hidden inefficiency of Swedish companies.

This is TorTalk

Please find a two-minute introduction to TorTalk.

See how easy it is to read text aloud from all programs including the company’s internal system. The reading speed can easily be adjusted to, for example, skim a text at high speed. Text in images and locked documents can be read without problems. Several voices and languages are available, totalling 60 voices in 20 different languages.

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    We can assist

    With broad experience from universities as well as small and large companies, we find the solution that suits your organisation and employees.

    Leave a message here and we get in touch. If you prefer invoicing, one of our salespeople will contact you shortly. We will get back to you in two working days at the latest.