Thanks TorTalk! Now I can read on the Go!
If you’re like me: a heavy reader, always wishing there were more hours in a day. When I want to catch up on the news, podcasts and audiobooks will not take me all the way. So, if there is in-depth text or a lengthy article from BBC that I want to read, TorTalk text-to-speech reads it out loud. I use it to read 600 pages at the weekend while driving, exercising or cleaning my apartment at the same time.
Become a Multitasker
Life with TorTalk (Text To Speech) can provide endless advantages. Your imagination is the only limit to how much it can help you! Follow our Social Media Channels and be inspired by our happy users 🙂

Reading recipes while you are cooking.

Listen to the assembly instructions while assembling the furniture.

Reading a book when you are gardening or doing housework.

Studying a PDF or a long document while commuting to school or work.
Get TorTalk

Mobile Apps
29 kr
- No binding.
- Free trial.
- 25 natural voices in 10 languages.
- Reads webpages.
- Reads text from pictures.
- Reads from PDF files.

Single User License (Windows/Mac)
69 kr
- No binding.
- One-month trial at SEK 9.
- 60 natural voices in 20 languages.
- Reads webpages.
- Reads all PDF files, e-books and pictures with text. (OCR for all text formats).
- Up to three computers.

School & Office license (Windows/Mac)
Request a quote
- Price depends on size of the organisation.
- Training and technical support for the organisation.
- 60 natural voices in 20 languages.
- Reads webpages.
- Reads all PDF files, e-books and pictures with text. (OCR for all text formats).